The short film Hot Flat (2018) explores the flame as a conceptual and visual act of (de)materialization, shifting focus from the physical to the symbolic. A response to Coop Himmelblau’s philosophy of architectural disturbance, the flame mimics the urgency required to provoke and sustain ‘potent’ architecture. As such, the film portrays fire not as a destructive force, but as a catalyst for reigniting the very thing it wishes to dismantle.
This project (2020) dissects the humble hairbrush to reveal the complexity hidden in a seemingly mundane object, exploring its material roots through its meticulous disassembly. Inspired by Thomas Thwaites' The Toaster Project, the work highlights the networks of resources, labor, and technology that bring everyday items into existence, inviting contemplation on the interconnectedness of human-made objects and the natural world.